Project Description

Bonnie Murphy-SmithManager

1. How long have you lived in the Bay Area? 

My entire life.

2. What is your fondest childhood memory?

Square dancing – no laughing.

3. What subject(s) did you study at College?


4. What was your first job?

Orange Julius in Eastridge Mall … back then it was a very cool place to hang out.

5. Who has been the most influential person to you in your career?

Steve Mochun – the first CFO I worked for.

6. How has your career created value in your life?

I have been able to work in and with various industries and met some very interesting people.  I have formed some very close relationships.

7. What do you consider to be the most significant world event that has occurred during your lifetime?

I think 9/11 is foremost in most people minds. I was 2 months pregnant with my first child, my brother in law was in Turkey, and I do not think I ever felt more afraid for our country in my life. Prior to that, I would say watching the Challenger explode. I now do not watch live broadcasts of space travel.  Also, seeing the hostages released from Iran in 1981 made a heavy impression.

8. What is your most memorable travel experience?

Taking my kids to Kauai, Hawaii and watching them in my niece’s wedding while we were there.

9. What is the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you?

When I was 9 or 10, I got my right foot and leg stuck in the mud at the bottom of Lexington Reservoir.  After a few hours, the fire department had to get me out.  My biggest fear was that my brand new shoe ($5 Keds!) would not come out.

10. What accomplishment are you most proud of?

My kids/family. Sure wish there was an instruction manual for raising kids.

11. What do you like to do in your spare time?

Scrapbooking, card making and camping.

12. If you could possess one super-human power, what would it be?

Immortality – is that a super power?

Practice Areas: 

Financial Statement compilation, Sales Tax, Property Tax.


Mission College – Santa Clara.